Three months since I last posted! So much for keeping me accountable. And yet, I have been working on my book nonetheless, in between all the fall chores and the resumption of opportunities and events that the autumn brings. I have been busy researching for the book and thinking more and more deeply about the idea of listening to the landscape, which is alive with stories if only we take the time to read them.
“Books , like landscapes, leave their marks in us. (…) Certain books, though, like certain landscapes, stay with us even when we left them, changing not just our weathers but our climates.”
― Robert Macfarlane, Landmarks
Reading Nature
written on blank page
story driven by hunger
fear of winged shadow

an ancient forest
pressed between pages of rock
memory preserved

beneath flaking bark
pine beetle grafitti tags
the tree they killed

bark inscribed by claw marks
in the imagination
spector of a bear

from winter brown grass
written with a brush of wind
nature’s own kanji

forgotten summer
an unexpected flower
blooms in frozen pond